Think about it for a moment. What are the things we seem to have no problem talking to anyone about? A recent movie or TV show we watched. Something that happened at work or school. The slow guy in the fast lane on the highway. A recent sports event. A concert we went to. A vacation we took. Some cute or ridiculous thing our child or younger sibling or friend did. I'm sure we could all keep coming up with more.
What do these things have in common? It can't be shared interest, at least not primarily. We will talk about some of these things even if the other person is visibly not interested, whether a complete stranger or close family. There are just some things we want to talk about.
And I think that is the key: stuff we want to talk about.
If you are excited enough, passionate enough, annoyed enough or care enough, you will talk to anyone about whatever it is.
Typically, when asked why they don't share their faith more, most Christians usually respond with something like, "I don't know what to say," or "I'm afraid they'll ask questions or have objections I can't answer." But that doesn't seem to stop us from talking about anything else.
When was the last time someone was uneasy talking about the Cowboys because the other person might come back with criticism? ..... OK, bad example .... but you get what I mean! If we enjoyed a concert over the weekend, we don't hesitate to talk to our co-workers or classmates about it just because they may not be fans of that type of music. We don't shy away from talking about all sorts of things.
When was the last time someone was uneasy talking about the Cowboys because the other person might come back with criticism? ..... OK, bad example .... but you get what I mean! If we enjoyed a concert over the weekend, we don't hesitate to talk to our co-workers or classmates about it just because they may not be fans of that type of music. We don't shy away from talking about all sorts of things.
We simply do not use the same excuses with other things that we use with talking about Christ.
I think about the guy born blind in John 9. Jesus puts mud on his eyes and tells him to go wash it off.
When he does, he can see. Challenged and questioned by the religious authorities of his day his simple response is, "I don't know about that, I just know that I was blind and now I see." (paraphrased)
When he does, he can see. Challenged and questioned by the religious authorities of his day his simple response is, "I don't know about that, I just know that I was blind and now I see." (paraphrased)
We see this with people Jesus heals all over the place. They run off and tell everyone what happened. They didn't wait to take a class on Biblical doctrine or apologetics or methods of evangelism or read books on tough questions by skeptics. They just went and said, "look what He did!"
Are we interested enough in what Jesus has done for us to want to tell other people about it? If not ... why not?
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